
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Even Miss USA Falls

Everyone has bad days. But just because it’s a bad day, does not mean it’s a bad life. Today might be one of those days for you or it might be the best day you've ever had. Regardless it is sometimes nice to know that no one is perfect and that even the best of us make mistakes. Here is a compilation of some of my favorite videos, some that make me outright laugh and others that always make my day a little brighter.

1. Worst soccer free kick ever.              
 Maybe the grass was wet?       
2. Baby laughing. This baby...
This is what you call rolling on the floor laughing.

3. Ugly free throw. You'll understand once you watch it. 
I think his team mates reaction is the funniest part.

4. Kitty vs. Apples. No video compilation is complete without a cat video. 
Sometimes our problems are smaller than we are making them out to be.

5. Even Miss USA falls

Even Miss USA falls once in awhile, the important part is getting up like queen.  I love how she claps for herself, gets up and keeps walking head held high. Plus even though she fell, she still looks beautiful!

I hope some of these videos made you smile. Please comment below your favorite one :) 

Friday, July 19, 2013

DIY Photo Display

 Hello everyone! So I recently saw something similar to this photo display on Pinterest and knew I just had to make one for my room. I hope you enjoy the pictures and tips on how to make your own!
 My Mom actually found this piece of driftwood a few years ago at the beach, but you could order some online or just use a sturdy branch ( I would recommend cleaning it before so there are no bugs or bark).
 I got my rope at Michael's Arts and Crafts. You could use anything from fishing line to twine though, just make sure it is sturdy as it will be holding a lot.
 I tied simple knots to secure the rope to the driftwood. I decided to have three columns of photos, but you can really do as many or as few as you desire.
 I bought these really cute and tiny clothespins at Michael's Arts and Crafts. (I think Walmart might have them too). Then I just clipped all the pictures where I wanted them!
 It was my sister's idea to tie knots before each picture. Play around with it and see what you like best :)
 Make sure everything is secure. I tied the ropes onto the wood and hung it up before I put the clipped the picture onto the rope.
 I didn't clip all the clothespins in the same direction to give it a more laid back feel.
 Mine ended up being pretty heavy, so make sure you have a strong nail or screw to hold it up.
 I didn't make my pictures or the columns even because I liked how it looked a little asymmetrical. I like this project a lot because you could recreate it in so many different ways.
 I wanted to have some pictures with family, some with nature (my room is beach themed), and a quote I liked. My sister and I took all of these pictures and I printed out the quote from online :) The nice thing about this project is that the pictures can be interchangeable later on.
Hope you enjoyed this, don't forget to leave a comment and check out my other blog posts! Feel free to ask me any questions as well :)

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Safe or Brave?

Would you rather be safe or brave?
Often times in life this is the choice we face. On one hand we can stay where we are and be guaranteed safety. Yet on the other we can take a leap of faith and be brave. Choosing safety is easy, it keeps everything the same. We don’t have to adjust or step out into new territory. Yet safety is boring, and lonely. Safety never tries new things or meets new people. Safety is insecure and would rather stay in the shadows than call attention to itself. Safety never gets applause or feels success. It never makes mistakes or learns new skills.

Choosing bravery is difficult, it’s uncomfortable and terrifying. It requires boldness and faith. Yet bravery is thrilling and exhilarating. Bravery brings change and new experiences. With bravery comes joy, laughter, and memories. Bravery feels victory and triumph. Bravery can look back and say “wow I really did that.” Bravery has no regrets. Bravery is a choice not a feeling. No one ever feels brave. God calls us to bravery and promises that He will be right there beside us helping us the whole time. 

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

*Sidenote: I got this necklace at Charming Charlie's and wrote in the quote! You could probably do this with any locket type necklace :)

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